Classic Lashes are so under rated, but, if you can’t bang out an amazing set of Classics don’t move on to hybrids or volume. Just don’t. Get this one on one technique down and you will produce the best sets of your life no matter what the style. This one really is best done face to face, but if you didn’t get all you wanted from your original training maybe online will help the pieces fall into place, just drop us a message.
So you’ve been lashing for a bit and you’re just not getting the results you want. This little masterclass will give you those valuable little nuggets that gatekeepers guard with their life. These are things I learned the hard way. If you want to skip that part, this one’s for you.
Love them or loathe them Promades aren’t going anywhere. This course will show you how to incorporate them into your sets, get the best retention and use them to your advantage, from fans to YY to Spikes, trust me there is a place for them. Still not sure? Drop us a message.